Topic: Traffic Pattern Woes! For Pilots Who Fly VFR.
Speaker(s): Jan Squillace - VMC Club Coordinator
Description: You are departing your non-towered home field for a little pattern work. You see another airplane on ADSB. It appears to be on a collision course. WHAAAAAT!!! Let’s discuss alternatives and options VMC Club, through its nationwide chapters, provides organized “hangar flying” focused on building proficiency in VFR flying. Believing that safety and proficiency are developed through education and experience. Monthly meetings use real world scenarios to engage our members and allow them to share and build their experience. For all pilots, student pilots and anyone thinking about flying. Bring iPad or other device to view sectional charts. Click on the link below and register TODAY.
Webinar Info: This is an on-line discussion group, geographic barrier has been eliminated! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 817 6671 2301 Passcode: 960552 Notes: Before using ZOOM the first time, download the Zoom app for your device: Apple devices (iPhone, iPad): ZOOM from Apple App Store Android (smart phones and tablets): ZOOM from Google Play Store Windows: search for ZOOM and download This is a free app. Create your user id and enter your FULL NAME. You will not be admitted to the seminar without a FIRST AND LAST NAME At the time of the meeting or a few minutes before, click on the ZOOM link above and join the meeting. YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN BY :10 after the hour. The meeting is locked at that time.
Contact Info: Jan W. Squillace Phone: (919) 551-5002
Additional Info: Sponsored by Raleigh Executive Jetport Odyssey Aero Club and EAA Chapter 1114. See more at about this event at: What is the VMC Club? VMC Club is the brain child of Radek Wyrzykowski; a Master Certified Flight Instructor Instrument and Multi-Engine Instructor. As a flight instructor in Norwood, Mass., Radek developed a volunteer mentor program to help pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it. What is the purpose of the VMC club? At VMC Club, our purpose is to promote flying, proficiency and safety. Along with VFR flying and monthly local chapter meetings, we offer a resource-rich website which provides an electronic experience base. Our intent is to create a community of pilots in order to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety and build proficiency in instrument flying. VMC Club Chapters offer monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experiences. Do you need to bring anything? First, bring your thoughts or story and be willing to share them with the group. This meeting is very interactive. Participation by the group is a key element to the VMC Club meeting. Others have found it helpful to bring along a copy of their flight manual, GPS manual and charts. If you navigate with an iPad, bring it along. Who can attend? You don’t need a pilot certificate to attend. This meeting is open to all current, non-current, and future pilots. You can find more information about the VMC club at: